Mens & Ladies Alterations
Revamp your wardrobe with our high-quality and stylish alterations. We provide a flawless finish, matching the original stitch pattern and detailing to give that perfect made-to-measure look. Whether it’s a simple resize or a professional restyle, our expert seamstress will make you feel confident and comfortable in your clothes. Contact us today for a custom fit!
We will make sure you look good and feel good before you leave our Studio.
However, if something is not quite right when you get home either give Esther a call or drop her an email and we will take another look!
We will give you an estimated completion date during your consultation, once your garment is ready Esther will call you to let you know, if we cant get though to you on the telephone we will E-mail and Text you (So its best to leave a mobile phone number or E-mail address)
Sometimes we may finish an alteration even quicker than expected, so if you have any questions regarding your order feel free to give us a call.
If you plan on wearing your outfit with a special pair of shoes or accessories, please feel free to bring them with you.
Yes, you do need an appointment or as we like to say ‘Consultation’
As we are a predominantly a home based studio we recommend making an appointment with Esther in advanced via email or over the telephone.
We understand that life is busy, sometimes you may only have 5 or 10 minutes to pop in. We will never turn you away, however Esther may not always be available to see you at that time due to being with a client or out on a home visit or we really really do recommend giving us a quick call first!